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For anyone with ultrawide, I think I found a slight fix for the fov issue. The configs are located in AppData\Local\SirenHead\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor. Open engine.ini and add



(1 edit)

Thanks for this.  I've just tested it.  However....

I found that the picture is squashed top and bottom, as if the horizontal axis is correct but because the monitor is ultra-wide the picture tries to squash everything into the available space, hence squashing the image vertically.

Interestingly enough when I took a screenshot of the game and pasted the result it looks perfect.   So maybe the engine is trying to project the correct image into a more 'letterbox' shape.


In-game it looks like this;

But when I take a screenshot and paste the result it looks fine:

Just started the game and i can't grab the battery for the life of me. It's stuck between meshes. I noticed i grabbed too many items and even then, i should be able to delete an item and get the battery. frustrating! it's a bug for beginning the game

You should definitelly be able to grab battery even if it is stucked in environment. Every inspecatbale item has disabled collision response during inspection. Please send me pic/video if you are able to capture it. 

Not sure about what do you mean by grabbing/deleting multiple items. You can grab as many items as you want and only non quest related items can be discarded.

Oh ok thank you for that response. Well when i just started the game, i tried to grab battery and it would loop to my inventory for some odd reason.  Then i figured, "oh maybe i can delete items or maybe my inventory is full. ill try and delete an item". it wasn't the case. I really wanted to get into the game but that stopped me after trying for 30 min. frustrating but ill try and record video right now. 

Sorry for my bird. he's very talkitive lol

Don’t worry :) When the game is opening an inventory it means it want you to interact using an item from inventory. Like door and key. If you read the log you will find out that this battery is discharged and needs to be replaced. Fortunatelly there is one near the cabin (search outside, it’s very close).

Thank you :)

(1 edit)

This is not the one you can pick up straight away, it is outside the cabin.

Thank you

Honest Review, I really love the looks of the game, they way you get trown into the Game and the Story unfolds slowly in front of you being afraid of the Unknown is Great. The Puzzles are Fair even if i managed to miss the Second picture because its so dark in there and because im blind. The only thing is the "climax" at the Factory is kinda ... meh. Hes just standing there making noise in the middle of the day looking at you but not getting you, it made me lose the build up tension really fast. The thing hunting you just seems so helpless suddenly. Otherwise great game love that it has more then one ending, little secrets and its not just a cicle of random jumpscares. The overall setting is beautifull, Definetly not the Generic "Horrorgame" we usually get, this is much more polished and has more to offer then just some spooky screams in your ears. Would love to see more.


The factory area definitely has some flaws in favor of the puzzle part. There are "safe" areas just to give player some time to explore. I am still thinking of ways to make this area more intense, but reasonably playable at the same time. I already have some ideas for the next update.

Oh this game is gettin updated? I always thought it was in it's finale version, super excited to see what ya add/change!


I need help on this puzzle too. After searching everywhere for 2 hours, I still have yet to find the pipe wrench. 

contact me on twitter or discord 

what is your Discord?

show-more #9940

Help please: I'm stuck at the factory. On the place where the wrench supposed to be, I have a note instead (about returning tools)

This is a puzzle. Contact me on discord/twitter if you find it too difficult.

how to open it?? i downloaded but what should i do next

sirenhead executable. It also has sirenhead icon

i am on chrome so i can't open exe files, is there like a website or some kind of converter?

Sorry the game is windows only. There is no download for other platforms

that kinda sucks, can u make it html also?

Sorry the game is windows only. There is no download for other platforms

ah well i guess i could try to play on my pc

(1 edit) (-1)

I need to invert the mouse Y axis. How did this oversight even happen? Is there any work-around for this atrocity?


Don't worry it will be available in the next update as some players are already requesting it.

The new update released and has the option added.  Could you do me a favor and check to see if it's working or not for you?  It's not working at all for me, the setting doesn't work, and the creator is saying it's just a me problem lol.


Hey, Just wanted to let you know we started this on our channel. And even without getting to see Siren Head you had Riku soiling himself. 

Deleted 2 years ago

Wow congrats. It’s ultimate weapon. I want to keep the comments section spoiler free but you can probably imagine on what you can use an ultimate weapon :D

Oh ok thanks :D


Really great game you made my friend. I bought it yesterday or downloaded it and donated and I'm really enjoying the time in it. The character of Siren Head was always interesting to me and I'm glad that someone created a game based on the character. 

I am very glad you enjoy it.  Thank you so much for your donation. I will use it to improve the game. Some tweaks, text fixes, small gameplay improvements and maybe audio upgrade are coming in the next update.

Hello, I played this game cause I have a bit of a history with Siren Head games. But yeah I just say that I was lost beyond believe and that my video speaks for itself.

(6 edits) (+2)

My monitor is an ultrawide 32:9 (5120x1440) and although the game is set to this resolution I feel like I should be able to 'zoom out' a little.   It's too much zoomed in, like the width of the game is the same size as a 16:9 monitor but cropped at the top and bottom. 
I tried changing "Resolution scale" but that didn't make a difference.  Can anyone help please?

Image example...

Resolution scale is affecting quality of image (up-scaled resolution). The game is not ultra-wide screen optimized right now (I don't have an ultra-wide screen). I considered the implementation (also invert Y axis) in the next update.

Right know I am trying to figure out how to reach players so I can get some feedback about what would they like to see in the next update.

Ok thanks for your fast feedback.  It's really quite difficult playing with this configuration at the moment so fingers crossed for a solution soon.

(1 edit)

And I've just tested it using my wife's "standard" monitor  and the game looks like it should, I was right by saying the top and bottom are simply cropped instead of having extra screen real-estate.  Compare this screenshot (standard monitor) with the link I provided above.  Very, very different.

I have this same problem - I have an Ultra-Wide and it sucks not to be able to play it properly :(  These screens are getting quite popular so I hope you'll consider at least allowing a console command to adjust FOV show-more :)  Thank you very much for the product, donated!!

Horrgakx - you should check out the app "Flawless Widescreen" if you have this issue with other titles that don't have support.

Hi - I need to invert the mouse Y axis, as it stands in the default config I can't play it.   Anyone know?

Hi, I'm stuck on new game plus. The Greenstone Cave entrance after the factory area is caved in and I can not proceed. The game gives me a prompt when I go next to the fallen rocks but I have nothing in my inventory that would let me proceed. Even throwing the explosive bottles at it won't do anything.

Congrants on explosive bottles. Yes there is a small puzzle and solution is nearby at the factory. Your approach is very similar. Please message me on twitter if you are still stucked there.

Hmmmm.. we'll I tried the blow torch... and checked out the Lab... still something else I guess. Ty.

Hello. How I get pistol. I've finished few times now but yet still not find pistol. Give hint pls... VERY GOOD GAME FRIEND!! 

Since pistol is OP in the game (rapid fire, high damage, fast reload, high ammo capacity) it’s most probably the last bonus weapon you will find. Player is teased relatively early in the game with pistol magazine so it’s clear there IS a bonus weapon in the game. It’s basically a reward for finishing the game with true ending under one special condition (don’t want to spoil this one). 

Yes, “last” bonus weapon means there are more bonus weapons hidden in the game. Even better there are more bonus weapons than regular ones. Some of them can be found directly in the first playtrough others only after unlocking a special secret.

The Pistol was added mainly to help players who have already finished the game with the best ending and still want to find as much secrets as they can.

I was already contacted by some players who were able to unlock it so it’s hard but not impossible. 


Ok thank you! I'll keep on finishing with new endings and keep searching for secrets. I will soon have my pistol


that’s the spirit

hey hows it going, i wanted to comment on a couple of bugs i had encountered in the game, firstly i wanna say the game looks really good, im siked to play it but im unable to progress because of my inability to interact with certain items , like the battery and some item by the laptop on the cabin, it keep using the item i had in my inventory not the ones i was trying to engage with. help plx and thank you 


If the item interaction is activating your inventory this means the item cannot be used right away but needs to be somehow activated (using other item from your inventory). Think about it as a locked door that needs a key before you can open it.  

ohh i got you, that make sense, thank you for the info.

(1 edit)

Can't tell if this game is bugged or if I'm stupid. My compass is pointing me at the watchtower during the "Find Access to Greenstone Cave", but nothing is at the watchtower. The door is locked, there's a buzzing sound coming from the wood, but absolutely nothing  to interact with and no updates on the journal.

Can someone tell me what's wrong?

Also, not including an invert mouse option is downright offensive.

The compass is right. You just probably miss one place with puzzle for the key. Clue for the key location was in the computer notes.  Feel free to message me on twitter if  you still can’t progress.

Thanks for your feedback. If mouse invert is requested I can include it. I just don’t know anyone playing with mouse to actually use it as it is mostly used for flight simulators or consoles/gamepad players. I can include it in next update.

Yeah I got stuck at this part of the game too.  Makes me very frustrated when I have to alt tab out of a game to figure out what in the hell I am doing wrong.  Breaks immersion and ruins the experience entirely.  So where is this key at?  I've been running around for countless hours with nothing to show for it.

Check your journal. Also another hint is in computer notes. If you did not read the notes or simply forget about another cave, there is also a  hint if you tried to open locked watchtower door. It will updated your journal with aditional info. You probably miss the second cave. In order to get the key you need to solve the red box puzzle.

Hope this will help you. Feel free to contact me on twitter or discord for further help.

I figured it out.  The photos really throw people off because they don't first see the numbers of the one photo are of the side of the combination instead of the actual combination.  That puzzle really does ruin the experience and immersion of the game.  I ended up looking it up on youtube then just watched them play to the end since the immersion was already ruined for me.  Puzzles like these ruin horror games these days.  I highly suggest removing that puzzle or making the protagonist say "huh, if I line up those side numbers, I should get a good chunk of the combination" or something similar to clue in the player more so they also don't have to alt-tab out and break their immersion.

Do you mind message me on twitter/discord? I was getting only positive feedback on this specific puzzle so far so I can’t just remove it but I would like to discuss your difficulties with it and verify something.  Maybe find more optimal solution most probably for asisted mode.

My goal is to make the puzzles challenging but not frustrating. So if someone struggles with the puzzle I would like to provide as much clues as possible but don’t ruin the puzzle experience  at the same time. 

I've requested mouse Y axis invert too.   This is why I can't play console games :)))

Hello, I've been having a lot of fun playing this game and it looks amazing! I got off yesterday and I'm trying to load my current save and I've been sitting here for a bout 30 min and it hasn't loaded, any ideas why?

This doesn’t happend to anybody as far as I know even across the version update. Is there any chance that you can send me your save? I might be able to retest it. Saves in the game are pure data, no logic so they should not break the game loading.

Is new game working?

New Game also does not work, it just loads, something I can add is that while it loads I can hear the character breathing heavily like he's out of stamina. I have no idea what happened, and how would I send you my save?

If new game does not work the game files might be broken or some system update broke it. I have no idea how this should happened. Try reinstall. Your saves are stored in user folder outside the game (C:\Users\<Your Name>\AppData\Local\SirenHead\Saved\SaveGames).

Well I reinstalled the game and it worked. I played the rest of the game and I gotta say great job, it was so much fun. Can't wait to see what other games you come out with

Glad that it helped.

Hello is there a way to change the FOV in the files?  I have an ultrawide 49" monitor and the FOV just ruins the whole game.  From what I played it looks awesome... would love to continue doing so.  Thanks in advance if you reply!

I don’t have an utrawide screen but I’ll try to simulate it somehow. Meanwhile you can try to read it in text mode.

yes I did rage quit, and yes after editing I realized what was wrong and yes I tried recording and it failed and yes I had to go on vacation so couldn’t re record… so here is my sad attempt to play this game.

the game is realy good and thought trough, but the thing thats gives me a real amateur vibe, are the voice lines of the our main characters, no motion or feeling in his lines, litterly reading off the script...

texture's and buildings of the map are amazing!


Made this account just to say the game is amazing. It looks gorgeous and daytime horror is one of my favorite genres, I stayed up all night beating it. My only complaint is getting caught on things while walking, and maybe how strong the foxes are for being so small. I started new game+ and I'm stuck in the spot underneath that old house and I have no idea what to do so if I could get a small hint I would love you forever. Overall 10/10 for being made by one guy and just in general. 

examine the floor very carefully


Well your boi is back at it again with the second video in this siren head resurrection series! Thanks for the support on the last video… hope y’all enjoy this one!! It’s a 5 minute pro edited reaction compilation so the least you could do is give it a watch love y’all!!

Will there be a Mac version for download? Got $20 if so.

I’ve made a macos port of the game but it does not perform well. On standard M1 the game run at low 30fps for medium/low settings at 1080p.  I did not get a chance to test it on more recent device tho.

Oh awesome! So you're kinda working on one?  I'll be ready for the download/donate if it gets released. I'm hearing great things about the game. 


this was  really cool! It’s a beautiful siren head game! It’s a reaction compilation so it’s only 3 minutes long and is pro edited! Please consider subscribing love y’all!!

There's a bunch of stuff in this game, I like it. You can even go fishing.

The game sounds extremely interesting, so I'm planning to check it out . Just one question: I know the game is optimized to be played with a mouse/keyboard, but i want to try it at least with a gamepad if it works for me :)

The keys/mouse interactions are very easy to map with a software like joyxoff or AntiMicro, so that should work fine. Testing it in game was strange: it seems the game itself recognizes a controller and offers rudimentary gamepad support, though this seems a bit broken, for example, dpad up and down in the journal does not allow to walk through the menu. 

My question: In case there is now full gamepad support planned, would it be able to deactivate gamepad recognition so a gamepad mapping software can be used instead that does not interfere with built in support?

Even tho I don’t recommend playing the game with controller, it is designed with controller support in mind and should work natively.  The same applies to item interaction and puzzles which should work also without mouse.  Last time I tested the controller support it worked in the menu without any issues (try analog stick instead of dpad). I’ve updated the engine version meanwhile so something might broke there. Unfortunately I don’t own a controller so I have to borrow one and it might took some time. Hope you will like the game anyway.

Thanks for your fast reply! I rechecked it with the controller, it seems most of the things are working, instead of one thing. I know that the focus in not on gamepad, but in case you want to reproduce it, here are the steps: Start a new game, press the "start" button on the gamepad to switch to the "Menu" (or "Journal"). Using the dpad up and down now jumps to the functions that are assigned to it in the game, dpad up goes to Inventory and dpad down to Journal. Thus, no entries in the journal or the menu can be selected. I tried the analog sticks but they don't seem to work.

Thanks for the great work you did, i walked around a bit and it really seems like a great experience. I'll wait a bit before i continue, if you have the chance to look into the controller issue anytime I'd greatly appreciate it :)

Finally got my hands on the controller support and the game input config got messed up after the engine update and rebind navigation buttons to open/close menu. Everything is working now

That's great, thanks a lot! 

Sorry to bother you again. I wanted to download the new version but it says it is still the one from December 2021 (ver 1.6.3). I'll wait until the new version is available :)

Sure, hopefully in a few days. Some very nice changes/updates are comming.


Great Game !!!

Thanks for playing my game :)

I don’t how to get it to look good. It just seems to have potato and maybe medium setting and from there no real change. Got this after watching igp, so i know it should look better. Any hints?

Omg I love this game but im stuck on new game plus I can't work out how to get through the rock wall after the abandoned factory and I never opened the lakeside cabin or got the pistol the fishing thing is so cool but I only caught one fish so far. This game needs fully developed good job dev or devs

You need to somehow destroy those rocks. The solution relativelly close.

Where do i find the code to the red box, please someone tell me, im stuck!

If you won’t be able to figure it out message me on twitter.

What would you say is the age rating of this game?

well with mature content on there is blood, gore, violance and occasional strong language. All this is suprased with limit mature content turned on. But remember it is still a horror game so  scary atmosphere, spooky sounds, vicious animals…

I've been playing this game for 2 hours now and have been thoroughly enjoying it, there were some parts that I found difficult such as the lock box code but was able to figure it out. I enjoy a challenge but im stuck in the factory, i've been searching for a while now, throwing myself at the big guy but have been unable to find the wrench! I've looked through playthroughs but the place where it is supposed to be only includes a letter!

You have a different permutation of this puzzle. Not only wrench can be used on the valve. Search for other item (minimap will help you with possible locations).

will it be on steam someday?

unfortunately no plans for steam in near future. 

Hey, I'd like to stream this game and put it on yt afterwards. I don't want to do anything without your permission. I am a VERY small content and this isn't my full-time job but I would love for it to be someday. Unfortunately, there will probably only be 1 person watching.  Can I review your game live?

Of course. Feel free to record/stream however you want. I’ll be glad the game will be alive and get to more people :) 

Just finished my first session. Boy was it great. saw siren head for the first time and he's amazing. looking forward to seeing the rest. 

I'll be streaming it again tomorrow on twitch if you want to see someone else play it. Same username across all platforms


not bad game, haven't completed it yet.

Good game, only problem for me currently is that no matter what way I put the code in (I have literally tried everything), it just won't open, perhaps i'm missing something, perhaps a button to click once you have the right code

Message me on twitter. I’ll help you with the code puzzle

[SPOILER] Two pics give you codes to input but they are not along the same down line so the first pic you see will have the first 3 numbers on the far left row going down then the other pic will show two numbers that go on the bottom of the second line going down then you just flick the last remaining horizontal line untill it clicks this was a cool idea and took me awhile to work out myself 

I know that one, but like I said, I have tried everything. Nothing would work

would you be ok with us extracting and viewing the assets made? if so what version of UE4 are you using?
im not looking to steal your content i just would love to get a closer look at the models since its kinda hard in game


No spoiler review abstract: Don't choose Regular Mode

The game have great mechanics and graphics, but i couldn't finish it. I played in the regular mode and got stuck in two parts, the card memory and the factory door. I didn't know if i missed a character commentary about that thing on the pc table, whitch turns out to be the camera card plug in. It took ages to get to this thing, the objective was to find a tunnel or gap to get in Greenstone Cave, i walked around the map countless times, found two secret caves in the way, but at the end i watched a gameplay to proceed. When i got the pliers was the same thing, forgot the factory's door and ran straight to the lake cabin, grabbed the rod and fished 8 times, didn't know what to do, was too stressed to walk up the map again and watched the gameplay. The factory encounter was the icing on the cake to me, the stealth didn't work out, he saw me miles away by his back and I looked like a cockroach running across the train yard trying to find the right path,  besides he hit me through a wall. I laughed when I read the description, it says the game takes 60-90 minutes, when i spent 3 hours on it. Oh, don't get the point of the Fox Gump that chases you down before you can defend yourself against it and the big Siren Head's show up, not so big because we all know him, but didn't give me the creppy of "He is watching me among the trees" or he is chasing me but i can't quite see him, instead it is more like "The prey sees the hunter but the hunter do not see the prey". His cutscene and his animation of jumping off did break the horror to me, because of the prey and hunter thing, and when he jumps, looks like he is running away from the player. I think that if he would have showed up in the forest, at night, i probaly would had a heart attack. So what could have helped me to find my way out the frustation i got, without the hint mode, could be a checklist at the journal, for example, i see the factory's door BANG, appears "Got to find someway in" and maybe a picture/print of the door, got the camera BOOM, "Have to upload its card", i think it also may be a better way to check your notes instead of seek information through logs. But i really enjoyed the mechanics, they are very cool to mess with, additive to the game, very fluid and immersive, besides the graphics and enviroment, whitch i don't need to talk about it. The camp is full with story, a pretty good one, the gameplay is just awesome. In conclusion, pretty damn great game, really happy to get the opportunity to enjoy such a quality work, you did a great job, maybe after a break i will re-play it with the Assist Mode to see the end.

Thanks for giving the game a fair chance. If you found it difficult to continue and even journal can’t help you, there is a guide available for everyone. Also feel free to contact me on twitter.

I am at the same place, I can not figure out how to get to Greenwood. My compass is pointing me to the watchtower which has nothing in it.

I was really enjoying it until now, I can't tell if it's a bug or I'm just missing something.

Either way, guess I'm out, don't feel like playing a game that requires looking up a guide.

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